An Afternoon of Palestinian Short Films
Introduction from Dr Abdelfattah Abusrour
The Bethlehem Cultural Festival and The Arab Film Club present an afternoon of Palestinian short films. Dr Abdelfattah Abusrour, founder and director of Alrowwad Centre for Arts and Culture, Aida refugee camp, Bethlehem, as well as author, actor and theatre director, will be introducing this screening at the Glasgow Film Theatre.
The programme includes:
Said The Dove To The Olive Tree (13 mins) by Amira Al ShantiÂ
The Parrot (18 mins) by Darin J. Sallam and Amjed Rashid
Ave Maria (15 mins) by Oscar nominated Basil Khalil
Roof Knocking (12 mins) by Sina Salimi
Night (16 mins) by Ahmad Saleh
The Present (24 mins) by Bafta Award winning Farah Nabulsi
Curated by Sarah Agha
Tickets: £10 + 78p booking fee.  The ticket price contributes to Bethlehem Cultural Festival’s costs towards the venue hire. You can also choose to make an additional optional donation to Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP). Donations to MAP can also be made on the night.
Dr Abdelfattah Abusrour
Abdelfattah Abusrour is founder and director of Alrowwad Cultural and Arts Society, established in 1998 in Aida refugee camp-Bethlehem. His concept and philosophy “Beautiful Resistanceâ€, using performing and visual arts, culture and education, is a creative and peaceful expression in situations of oppression and trauma to provide possibilities to save lives and inspire hope and build peace within individuals to be peace builders in their communities and beyond.

A final title raising awareness about the situation in Gaza will be announced soon. These films demonstrate how the Palestinian people, in spite of ever-increasing restrictions and oppressions, discover new and inventive ways to elevate themselves from the confines of their situation, to tell their stories and raise their voice. The films are a reminder never to underestimate the power of film and that Palestine is not a hopeless cause. The spirit, resilience and steadfastness of the people shines through in all of these films, each in a different, unique way.